Is this a bad date because of their attitude, your attitude or some other factor? Is this really someone that you don’t like on the inside?

  • If your date is making you uncomfortable and you don’t feel OK storming out, there are a few stealthier escape routes.
  • An eyebrow pencil can be used to add age lines, change the shape of your eyes and brows, or create facial hair.
  • Keep an eye out for any inconsistencies in what they say and call them out for it.

Put a twist on the classic “My friend just called and there’s been an emergency” move by having a friend stage an actual emergency outside the restaurant. Don’t make this anything tooalarming because it would be the biggest annoyance ever if the police or paramedics showed up.

If your date is going poorly, you have your exit ready and available to use. If you are having a great time, you can simply tell them you cannot help them at the present time and they will get exactly what you are saying. This gives you an option to get out of your date without being dishonest. Every single person wants to have some ways to ditch a bad date up their sleeve in case they should run into a situation where they need those clever excuses. We all hope for dates that are promising and lead you into a blissful future, but the truth is that they are not all like that.

If you’re in a crowded space, duck down and slip away into the crowd, make for the first exit, never look back. Leaving a date when you’re in a place that’s filled with other people is the easiest thing.

Change your hairstyle or color.

Plus, this gives them the freedom to pursue other dates, and not be left waiting around for you. They may be left feeling a little bamboozled, but it’s all in the delivery. Avoid saying things like “Next time let’s…” or “I’ll tell you another time…” during your date, even if they are saying them to you. And when you go to say goodbye, leave it with a “It was nice to meet you”, rather than “See you again soon”.

“Does My Narcissistic Ex Husband REALLY Love His New Girlfriend?”

’ And yes, how many times someone washes their sheets a month could be quite telling. Bod wants to make it easier to escape an awful date–by immediately letting you leave for a better one. If you’ve ever listened to someone drone on over cocktails and wondered how you could possibly escape, bod could help–but it’s unclear if it will make the getaway less uncomfortable. It can find you a new date, but it can’t guarantee your current date will appreciate you bouncing after your first sip of vodka soda. Remember that just because you are having the most agonizing time of your life, your date might be enjoying themself. It really stings to be out with someone who you think you’re hitting it off with and have them look at you, say “thanks so much for meeting me.

Lipstick can change the shape of your mouth, heighten the color in your cheeks and nose, and even give you tired eyes if dabbed and blended on your eyelids. An eyebrow pencil can be used to add age lines, change the shape of your eyes and brows, or create facial hair. Think about your most distinctive features and figure out how to hide or disguise them. The person you are trying to leave is going to see a figure moving past and away at a distance and will be focusing on the first impression.

But with experience, I’ve learned how to handle all of the above. Here are my 6 tips for how to survive a bad date. It’s only when you actually sit down together that you’ll be able to decode their true character. And it can sometimes take several dates, to dig down past their surface level persona.

Maybe there were signs that you picked up on before the date on the phone, online, etc. that if you had paid attention to could have told you this was going to be a bad one. Whatever it is you should file this information and leave the date knowing you are smarter and a better dater then before. To be a good dater it’s as important to learn about yourself and the world as it is about your partners. And you can learn something on every date you go on, even the bad ones… especially the bad ones. Maybe your takeaway comes from things your date tells you from his or her life experiences or career. Maybe your takeaway comes from you figuring out more things you require in a potential mate.

Three Ways to Get Something Good Out of a Bad Date

For example, the app may send you a call that is supposedly from a relative or neighbor claiming to be dealing with some kind of emergency. Just pick up the call and respond as if it were real (“Oh, no! Okay, Mom, I’ll be right there.”). Jessica Booth is a writer who focuses on relationships, self-love, and celebrity news. If your date wants things to continue, but you want to leave, just politely say you’re completely shot and you need to get home. It’s risky because they might try to talk you out of it, but just stick to your guns and be firm. If you’re hesitant going into the date, plan something small and short.

If you’re struggling with getting to that second date or even getting the courage to get out and meet someone, I’m here to help. Let’s talk, just book a Free Relationship Readiness Review with me here and we can talk about your challenges and what you can do today to change your results. Maybe it was bad because he talked too much or too little, or maybe there was no chemistry or attraction.

When your date looks away, roll up into a ball on the floor and quietly somersault away before they turn back around. Maybe take a few basic gymnastics classes before this, so you can make sure your somersaults are top notch and silent. But this will not only get you out of the date but make you feel like a stealthy ninja.